Most of the software applications that we use throughout the course will be command-line tools. The goal of this lab is to make sure that you are all familar with the basic commands used to navigate a unix command line.
We'll be using an excellent tutorial by Michael Stonebank --
Specifically, I recommend:
Some of the analyses that we do will be run on clusters of computers (rather than the imacs in the lab). Becoming comfortable working on a remote machine is not too difficult, and is a valuable skill. The two most common tasks are logging in (typically accomplished using ssh) and copying files back and forth (usually done with scp). Fortunately, scp uses basically the same syntax as the cp command that occurs in the previous tutorial.
After you are comfortable, then try running the script from a couple of different locations.
First you'll need to download the file from github, and save it on the machine that you are working on.
Try passing in files as arguments. Try launching it, opening a new Terminal window and killing the process (the executable that is running is listed as Python or python).